Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Hunting Photos


Ching Ser is in the midst of compiling photos from it members. If you have any photos that your would like to share on this blog please email it to

Each photos are required to provide a simple note or caption on it.

Thank you.

Monday, January 19, 2009


A warm welcome and thank you for visiting Ching Ser blog. 

Firstly, I would like to take this opportunity to wish you a very Happy Chinese "Moo" Year.

Now, into a more serious side, if you know of any children educational activities that fit for Ching Ser to carry out, please do share with me. Ching Ser has been carrying out many activities for its members, be it young or old.  For the past few year, Ching Ser has seen a steady increase on the number of young members. At such, this year, Ching Ser would like extend and focus more on children educational activities. 

If you do not feel comfortable sharing your ideas on the blog, you are also welcome to email them directly to  

Lastly, any feedback or comment on improving this blog are welcome.